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A volunteer snuggling a bunny


As an all-volunteer organization, hundreds of volunteers are needed to keep our sheltered rabbits healthy and happy while keeping the Chapter running smoothly.


We welcome everyone to help with our rabbits. Read more to learn what to expect from us and what we expect out of our volunteers.


And when you're ready, fill out our application form!


​Volunteers under 15 years of age need to have an adult volunteering with them at all times, though we ask all volunteers be at least 8 years old.


Volunteers 16 or 17 years of age may volunteer only when there is an adult in the area where they are volunteering.


Adults (18 years and above) may volunteer any time they aren’t interfering with other volunteer efforts.


Volunteering is a major commitment, and we are grateful for the great group of volunteers who work diligently to make our work a success. To this end, we ask each volunteer to commit to:   


  • Nurturing and tending to our charges with compassion and care;

  • Making a six-month commitment to volunteer (training takes time; we need it to pay off);

  • Coming when you have agreed to come (or find a substitute if you can’t);

  • Treating all other volunteers with respect and dignity at all times.


Fill out our volunteer application form when you're ready to join us and make a difference!


We have a wide range of volunteers from all walks of life! Some of are volunteers have been with us for many years and some are just starting now. We welcome anyone who wants to help and are happy to train you work with the rabbits safely!

High Schoolers

We are happy to help high schoolers fulfill their community service hours requirements. However, because it costs us time to train volunteers, we ask for a commitment of six months.


We are happy to provide personal recommendation letters to our high school volunteers.


Our amazing retirees work tirelessly to help our orphaned bunns. Not only do they enjoy being with the rabbits, but make friends with the other volunteers.

Moms & Dads, Aunts, Uncles, and Grandparents

From 8 -15 years of age, our volunteers must be accompanied by an adult volunteering with them, giving parents and other adult relatives a chance to spend time with pre-teen & teenage relatives.

Animal Lovers

Some of our volunteers are simply dedicated people who think that all living creatures deserve a great life and a chance for a forever home. These caring souls are always willing to lend a hand and do whatever it takes around the Bunny Burrow.

Bunny Addicts

These are the people who talk about rabbits, dream about rabbits and are owned by rabbits. You know you are a bunny addict if half of your Facebook friends come from bunny groups!

Rocky Mountain House Rabbit Rescue

A 501c3 Non-Profit

EIN: 84-1459656

Erie, Colorado

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© 2025 by Rocky Mountain House Rabbit Rescue

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