This year's Colorado Gives Day is on December 6th -- so mark your calendars! We are once again asking for your support in our mission to rescue, rehabilitate, and find loving forever homes for abandoned house rabbits. Your donation directly helps them - from providing urgent medical care, healthy food, and critical supplies for sheltered bunnies, to offering education and support for rabbit parents.
Be a homeless rabbit's hero! Donate on December 6th.
Read below for just one story of how RMHRR helps buns in need!
Abbot & Sage's Story (as told by Abbot)
Abbot & Sage say . . . "YOU can make a huge difference in the lives of abandoned house rabbits on Colorado Gives Day!"
A rescued bunn in need of a furry friend…

Hello, my name is Abbot, and this is my story. I am a 2 1/2 year-old white, male, lop. My mom rescued me from an animal shelter in Mississippi. She wanted a guinea pig but ended up taking me home in a milk crate with no idea what to do. I will give her credit, she loved me so much from day one. Our house was calm and quiet. Just me and mom. Mom was working from home a lot so we became very close.
Mom had decided to accept a new job which meant we were moving to Colorado. In her new job she would have to spend time in the office and became very concerned I would be sad. This is when mom found Rocky Mountain House Rabbit Rescue. She began reviewing all the single bunnies. Mom picked out Sage who needed a calm house and thought she would fit right in.
Sage, Mom, and Me...A match made in heaven!

Fast forward to now, one year later …. Mom was right and I fell head over hocks for Sage, my auburn straight eared sassy princess. I worship the ground she hops on. It was not love at first sight and she still gets mad at me for loving her so much.
They say opposites attract, and we are opposites. I love every veggie mom puts in front of me and Sage turns her nose up to all of them. I am outgoing and want everyone to be my friend where Sage is the first one to turn tail and run for the castle.
Rescued and safe, and so loved...

Our mom bought a plate (for Sage) and a bowl (for me) with our picture on them but won’t let us use them. She says we will break them. I still don’t see how that would be possible if she put them on the floor with treats in them. It is not like it is cardboard that we destroy into a million pieces. Our teeth are not tough enough to break ceramic.
Here's Sage posing with her plate...
And living our best bunny lives!!!

Some of our favorite activities include looking at the Denver skyline, running circles around mom’s feet to try and trip her in the morning, jumping on the furniture, and hanging out in our European Castle.
All in all, we are both so very happy and loving our forever home. We owe a great deal to our mom even though sometimes we get into mischief and cause her to worry. We love you mom and thanks for adopting us! And thank you RMHRR supporters who rescued Sage and helped bring us all together!!!
Thank you for your continued support of RMHRR . . .with your help we can keep rescuing, rehabilitating, and finding loving forever homes for rabbits like Sage!!!